Woodwind & Jazz Woodwind

Our Music Grade and Diploma exams are available both in digital and face-to-face formats.

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Trinity’s graded exams for Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Saxophone and Recorder

Extensive and varied repertoire exploring a wide range of musical styles and genres. Original flute and clarinet pieces from the 18th century through to living composers, including unpublished pieces, modern educational pieces, and specially commissioned works by composers from all over the world.

Brand new books for flute and clarinet with a minimum of 12 pieces per grade, including popular classics, folk tunes and music from stage and screen. Performance notes provide important context on the pieces and their composers. The publications also include downloadable audio demos and accompaniments. All books are available as print and ebooks.

Combined classical and jazz repertoire options for the first time for flute, clarinet, and saxophone, allowing candidates to choose music from both syllabuses. Teachers can select from across a range of styles and genres to suit each individual learner.

Ever-expanding repertoire as we introduce an ongoing programme of new pieces, removing the syllabus end date.

Trinity's new and innovative syllabus approach

From now onwards, Trinity’s Woodwind and Jazz Woodwind syllabuses will no longer operate with an end date. All pieces will remain valid until further notice and any planned updates will be announced at least 12 months in advance.

Trinity will continue to increase the repertoire available to candidates through a continual programme of new publication releases. This will include a diverse range of exciting exam books, individual digital downloads, ebooks, anthologies and more. Most repertoire and technical pieces will remain indefinitely*. You will find information about new publication releases on the instrument webpages and the shop.

This innovative change in approach to our music exam syllabuses will make our exams open to more people, provide rich and ever-increasing repertoire to choose from, and encourage candidates to continue playing the music they love for as long as they wish.

*copyright and territory dependent

Exam details

Full details (including our procedures, syllabus requirements, what to expect, and what to bring with you) can be found in our Information & Regulations.

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NoteLab Music

NoteLab Music is a powerful resource available to teachers, parents and students to support lessons, personalise music choices, build technique, maintain engagement and track progress.

Theory of Music

Our Theory of Music syllabus responds to modern teaching and learning styles and can be taken as a paper-based exam or as on on-demand digital exam.


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